February 25, 2022

Notable People In The History Of CBD

We have many people to thank for the progress of CBD over the years. The CBD we know and love today wouldn't be possible without the work of persistent and innovative researchers and advocates.

The Legends Of Cannabidiol

These people have left a lasting mark on the history of CBD. Read on for a brief overview of some of the most notable people in CBD history and their contributions.

Roger Adams

Roger Adams (1889-1971) was a chemist known as the man who discovered CBD. His studies on Cannabis sativa led him to identify, among other things, the compound of cannabidiol in the 1940s. Adams’s research was pivotal to kickstarting the science community's interest in cannabinoids.

In addition to isolating and identifying cannabidiol from the Cannabis sativa plant, Adams showed the relationship between cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Ha also synthesized analogs of THC and CBD.

Walter Loewe

Walter Loewe (1913-1997) was a German chemist who, in 1946, conducted the first CBD test on lab animals.

His experimentation demonstrated that CBD was non-psychoactive, unlike the other common cannabinoid — THC. This was an important discovery, as it was the first demonstration that CBD did not cause an altered state.

Raphael Mechoulam

Raphael Mechoulam (1930-) was a chemist and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. With over 450 published scientific articles, Mechoulam is one of the most highly respected researchers in cannabinoid science.

His area of focus was the chemistry of cannabinoids. Mechoulam identified and isolated THC in the 1960s, and went on to conduct extensive research on the CBD and THC for more than 50 years.

In the 1990s, he wanted to find out why our bodies contain receptors that can bind with phytocannabinoids like THC and CBD. His team, including chemist Lumír Hanuš, isolated anandamide — the endocannabinoid that interacts with the CB1 receptor.

Also in the 1990s, one of his PhD students — Shimon Ben-Shabat — discovered the endocannabinoid 2-AG.

Allyn Howlett

Allyn Howlett is a neuropharmacologist based at Wake Forest University. Her research focuses on cannabinoids and endocannabinoids that interact with the CB1 receptor.

In the late 1980s, Howlett and her research assistant William Devane discovered the CB1 receptor.

Howlett and her team continue to study cannabinoids and how they interact with the body through the endocannabinoid system.

William Devane

As mentioned above, William Devane worked on Allyn Howlett’s team to help discover the CB1 receptor.

He also worked closely with Lumír Hanuš to discover the endocannabinoid anandamide.

Lumír Hanuš

Lumír Hanuš (1947-) is a chemist who focuses on cannabis research — particularly the use of cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, and their medicinal uses.

Originally from the Czech Republic, he now works at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, where he was invited to continue his work by Raphael Mechoulam.

One of his most notable achievements was discovering the endocannabinoid, anandamide in the 1990s, with the help of William Devane.

Charlotte Figi

Charlotte Figi (2006-2020), though living a short life, made a huge impact on the CBD world. She was diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome — a rare and severe form of epilepsy — at 3 months. Charlotte was having up to 300 seizures a week. 

After Charlotte's mother found a medical marijuana strain with very low THC and high CBD content, Charlotte's seizures went from 300 a week to only 3 per month.

She became a well-known figure in the medical marijuana movement when she was the subject of the CNN documentary, Weed. Her success story inspired other parents to move to Colorado to access CBD for their children.

Charlotte inspired the name of the medical marijuana strain called Charlotte's Web and brought the CBD movement into the national and international spotlight.

 She tragically passed at age 13 when hospitalized with pneumonia.

What's In Store For The Future Of CBD?

The history of CBD is packed full of life-changing breakthroughs and influential people. As we continue to learn more about this compound, it's exciting to think about what's coming next.

Today, doctors and scientists around the world forge ahead in the spirit of their predecessors, racing to find new and better ways to treat many chronic conditions — like seizures, anxiety, insomnia, pain, brain injury, and more — with CBD. There’ll surely be stand-out discoveries and superstar researchers in the years to come.

So, stick with our blog for the latest information on CBD and health research.

CBD's Story Continues

CBD has come a long way since it was first discovered by Roger Adams in the 1940s. His fellow trailblazers have helped to bring CBD into the public eye. Their contributions are invaluable for those of us who use or want to learn more about this compound.

From the isolation of CBD to the national and international spotlight on medicinal CBD, the work of these individuals has shaped the way we think about and use CBD. Their discoveries, studies, and stories have helped propel the CBD industry as we know it today.


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