March 13, 2021

Using CBD To Adjust To Daylight Savings

Spring Forward With CBD — Your Daylight Savings Time Helper

It’s that time of year again! Daylight Savings is upon us and — be honest — it’s not always the easiest thing to adjust to. If you feel this way, too, you’re not alone.

Let’s see if we can unwind the struggle and find healthful ways to tick forward.

DST 101

The US first implemented Daylight Savings in March of 1918. Its original intent was to “preserve daylight and provide standard time for the United States” by moving the clocks forward an hour in Spring and back an hour in Fall.

DST has always suffered unpopularity. This led to a federal repeal of the law, which deferred the option of observing DST to the states. Most states are still on the Daylight Savings bandwagon. However, several states are proposing or passing legislation to do away with DST.

Because it’s still unpopular. And super disruptive to many people, businesses, and other organizations.

The Problem With Daylight Savings Time Is…

Yes, we’re jumping right in and stating that DST can be a real stinker. Not to be unduly negative. But because it can and does cause real issues.

It may be quick and simple to set your swanky timepiece forward or backward an hour. But that def doesn’t mean it’s just as easy to shift your life.

Now, how the time change impacts you and how long it’ll take you to adjust is highly personal. It can depend on things like your health, lifestyle, and more. In general, though, experts believe that it’s harder to deal with “losing” an hour from your day than “gaining” an hour.

It all evens out in the end. But on the day that we skip an hour, we’re experiencing a 23-hour day. So, yah, you’re really functionally losing a whole 60-minute chunk. (And your sleep-deprived, addled self doesn’t care at that point that you’ll get a 25-hour day when you switch the clocks back in the Fall.)

Daylight Savings Time Messes With Your Body Clock

You probably know from your own experiences that DST mucks with your mind and body. This is largely due to us getting off-kilter with our circadian rhythms.

Our bodies are naturally tuned in to the ebbs and flows that accompany daily light and dark cycles. Historically, plants and animals rose and slept with the rising and setting of the sun. This circadian system is involved in regulating our sleep cycles, various hormones, biological processes, and more.

When we get out of sync, we can have issues with:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Maintaining energy and focus
  • Eating habits
  • Mood and mental wellbeing
  • Heart health
  • Immune-related conditions
  • Accidents and injuries
  • Poor judgement and decision making

Tips For Dealing With Daylight Savings Time Change

All that stuff above is interesting and everything. But what you really want are actionable ideas for beating the DST hangover. We scoured the web — and our very own brains — to distill a best-of-the-best list for you.

(OK, sometimes it was more like a most-of-the-most. But if a suggestion is repeated a lot, it must be tried and true. Right?)

Anyway, here are some easy things to try.


  • Practice good sleep hygiene. (A quick internet search will yield loads of yawn-prompting info on this topic.)
  • Allow yourself a longer sleep window. Example: If you normally give yourself eight hours in which to get seven hours’ sleep, consider giving yourself nine hours in which to find that seven hours’ sleep.
  • If you’re a napper, shorten your doze sessions. And don’t nap within a few hours of bedtime.
  • Think of bedtime as relaxation time. This means use it as an opportunity to wind down and relax. Maybe put the electronics away and just read a book, listen to soothing music, or quietly meditate. (Strictly a no-work zone!)
  • Go to bed 15-20 minutes earlier for a few nights leading up to DST. Or, set your clocks ahead in the early evening on Saturday, and go to bed at your normal time.
  • Stockpile sleep. Bank some extra hours of shuteye in the days leading up to the DST change.


  • Eat wholesome foods and balanced meals/snacks. All those nutrients will give you the energy you need to thrive.
  • Avoid things you know will disrupt your system before bedtime. (Uh, skip the beans and Brussels sprouts casserole at dinner…?)
  • Don’t eat within three hours of bedtime.
  • Just say no to consuming caffeine or alcohol within several hours sleepytime.
  • If you’re the bedtime-snacking type, opt for sleep-inducing items. Think decaf mint or chamomile tea, warm milk, nuts, tart cherries, kiwis, and bananas.

Daily Life

  • Stick with your routines. But maybe start adjusting the times. Like move your dinnertime to start a little earlier so that it queues your body to normal evening rituals.
  • Go to bed and get up at your regular times.
  • Go outside early for a dose of sunlight (or, at least, natural daylight).
  • Move your body — maybe take a walk or do yoga. Early in the day is better.
  • Savor the longer evenings. Find ways to take advantage of earlier darkness, like movie nights or candlelit suppers.
  • Avoid nicotine for several hours before going to sleep.

CBD To Help You Cope With DST?

Why yes! CBD has lots of benefits. It stands to reason, then, that it could lessen the negative impacts of Daylight Savings on health and wellness.


You can incorporate CBD oil products into your I’m-gonna-beat-the-DST-blues plan. CBD is touted for its calming or restorative properties — so it could be a sensible fit for an all-out attack on the adverse effects of Daylight Savings.

Here are several possible methods for using CBD that jive with our Tips.

  • Add some CBD drops to your evening beverage or snack. The peppermint CBD oil would go nicely with your mint tea and the vanilla CBD oil would be decadent in steamed milk. It’s easy to mix CBD drops into mashed banana or almond butter, too.
  • Go for the gummies. Many customers enjoy having CBD gummies in the evening (or anytime they’re trying to relax or switch gears from a busy day).
  • Simplify with softgels. No fuss, no muss. CBD softgels work best when taken with food. So, making them part of your evening meal or bedtime snack could be an option.
  • Try a CBD product designed with sleep in mind. Pure Craft offers Nano-Optimized Broad-Spectrum CBD Water-Soluble Tincture with Melatonin. It’s intended to complement your natural sleep cycle, to help you get a good night’s sleep. Most customers take these drop at bedtime.
  • Top your day off with a topical. Maybe part of your relaxation regimen is giving or getting a back or foot rub. (Or massaging out any of those everyday aches that seem to accrue….) A topical muscle and joint cream could level up the ahhhhh! factor.


Daylight Savings Time has proven adverse effects on our health. There are tons of great tips on how to minimize the negative effects. Incorporating CBD oil into your DST-transition plan may help the adjustment go more smoothly.


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