December 24, 2021

Boost Focus & Decrease Distractions With CBD

In our digital age, it is so easy to get distracted. If you're working from home or you have a job where you’re always on call — staying on task can feel impossible sometimes. From the computer to your phone, there are tons of distractions competing for your attention.

Finding focus gets even more challenging if you're under a lot of stress, have trouble sleeping, or experience chronic pain. Sound familiar?

One natural way that many people find relief is by using CBD.

But how exactly does CBD help you concentrate and avoid distractions?

CBD & Focus

There are a lot of factors that impact your overall energy and ability to focus throughout the day.

Here are a few things that can mess with your focus:

  • Sleeping problems
  • Pain
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Mood

If your attention is being disrupted by any of these reasons, CBD may help you get back on track.

CBD For Better Sleep

When you don't get the proper restful sleep that your body needs, you can feel tired and unable to concentrate on much the next day.

CBD has been shown to help people with sleep issues by alleviating symptoms of insomnia, allowing for an easier time falling asleep and staying asleep.(1) Meaning — you get to wake up feeling rested, refreshed, and ready for the activities ahead.

Does CBD Make You Sleepy During The Day?

More focus or better sleep — which one is it? Seems like these two benefits contradict. But don't worry, we're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

What we know is that CBD seems to help modulate your sleep-wake cycle. Research suggests that CBD may promote wakefulness for some, but at the same time improves sleep quality for those with sleep disorders.(2)

CBD (without any THC) is not known to cause any daytime sleepiness. However, it can help you fall and stay asleep when it's time to go to bed. Pretty neat-o right?

So there's no need to worry about any daytime drowsiness when taking broad-spectrum CBD.

CBD & Pain

Achy joints, headaches, and chronic pain can all cause you to have trouble concentrating.

CBD may help reduce pain and discomfort because it's known to be an anti-inflammatory. A lot of pain is caused by inflammation in the body, which CBD works to counteract — giving you a better chance to focus on your work or other to-dos.

Numerous studies are finding that CBD may help reduce pain from a variety of causes including:

  • Migraines(3)
  • Cancer related pain(4)
  • Arthritis(5)
  • Muscular pain(6)

Imagine how much more you could accomplish if those disruptive migraines would vanish!

CBD Can Boost Focus By Increasing Calm

Struggling with stress or anxiety? They can cause symptoms like:

  • Excessive worrying
  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty focusing

Anxiety and stress can both disrupt concentration since they cause you to be preoccupied with your worries. But — CBD may help you find a place of calm.

A greater feeling of relaxation and ease is one of the most common experiences CBD users report.

And there's research to back those anecdotes. Several studies have found that CBD has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties, and has helped reduced anxiety symptoms in conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.(7)

When you're stressed, it's easy to get overwhelmed. It's no wonder it's hard to stay in the “zone” in that state! But when your mind is zenning out, you can be more present and less distracted.

CBD Users Report Improved Concentration

CBD may even help improve your concentration. Some CBD users report that CBD helps them have a clearer mind, allowing room for greater focus on important tasks.

Here's a few words from real CBD users on how it's helped improve their focus.

“Physically and mentally I feel much more relaxed and able to focus much better than before.” -Olivia

“I actually feel like I can concentrate much better after taking these, I do feel the calming effect also.” -Riley

When you're relaxed, you may find that you have a quieter mind. Which means you could have an easier time concentrating and being less carried away by distractions.

Will CBD Get You High?

Worried about feeling fuzzy after taking CBD? Certainly, getting high would be counterproductive to your goal of gaining clarity. 

Don't worry though — CBD won't get you high! CBD is a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. It's not known to cause any euphoric or intoxicated feelings.

As long as you choose an isolate CBD or broad-spectrum CBD oil, you shouldn’t feel any psychoactive effects. This also means no drowsiness and no distracting munchies.

CBD & Focus: Not Just Hocus Pocus

CBD is a natural, plant-based remedy that many use to help them manage their daily stress, aches and pains, and sleeping problems. All of these bothersome factors can make it impossible to concentrate on the things that matter.

Research has shown that CBD has anti-anxiety properties, which makes it perfect for those struggling with stress or anxiety. It may even help you get a better night's sleep so you can wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your important tasks. CBD also helps relieve chronic pain by decreasing inflammation, allowing you to have more focus in your daily life. Lastly, CBD doesn't cause any psychoactive effects like THC does (which means no drowsiness).

By helping alleviate these common struggles, CBD has helped many regain a sense of balance and concentration in their day-to-day lives. Perhaps you’ll find that it helps you on your quest to demolish distractions and find focus.



  1. Suraev, AS, et al. (2020). Cannabinoid therapies in the management of sleep disorders: A systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies. Sleep medicine reviews.
  2. Murillo-Rodríguez, E., et al. (2014). Potential effects of cannabidiol as a wake-promoting agent. Current neuropharmacology.
  3. Berry, J. (2020). Can CBD oil help with migraine? Healthline.
  4. Cherney, K. (2020). Using CBD Oil for Pain Management: Does It Work? Healthline.
  5. Russo EB. (2008). Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain. Therapeutics and clinical risk management.
  6. McCartney, D, et al. (2020). Cannabidiol and Sports Performance: a Narrative Review of Relevant Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research. Sports medicine.
  7. Blessing, EM, et al. (2015). Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics.

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