August 04, 2021

6 Surefire Ways To Get Into Vacation Mode

6 Surefire Ways To Get Into Vacation Mode

It's vacation time! You're packing your bags, getting organized, and making sure you have everything you need to make this the best trip yet. 

But before you get too ahead of yourself, it's important to take some time to decompress prior to heading out on your adventure. There's nothing worse than being on vacation and realizing that all your stress from work has followed right along with you! Give yourself a chance to transition into a vacation state of mind before you go. 

To help you do just that, we've compiled these surefire ways to get into vacay mode. So that when the time comes to lift off/set sail/take a hike, you're feeling refreshed and ready for an amazing getaway. (We’re guessing you’d rather be ready to pitch a tent than pitch a fit!)

And who knows — maybe these tips will help you ride the holiday wave for a while after your little break is over, too.

#1 Finish Up Final Work Tasks Then Disengage

Before you get out on your getaway vacation, take some time to plan out the remainder of your work tasks. We know, you want to jump into vacation-brain ASAP. But trust us, by sewing up any loose threads ahead of time, you'll be able to focus on having fun. 

Clearing up unfinished business before you take off will leave you less stressed while away.

But — and this part is just as critical — after you finish those final tasks, it's time to put the emails aside! Nothing gets you out of vacation mode like checking on your work notifications when you're trying to chillax with a mojito on the beach.

#2 Take Time For Yourself Before & After

Would you say you’re “in an upright and locked position?” Leading up to your vacation, take some time to unclench by doing some of your favorite activities at the end of the day. Let's be real, we all should be doing this most days, but sometimes it just slips off the radar. 

Watch your favorite TV show, take a long shower, or go on a relaxing walk. Letting yourself enjoy some me-time is a great way to get yourself into the vacation mindset.

Also, be sure to add a day or two of vacation-recovery when you get back from your trip. It’ll help you reintegrate into the real world. You'll be so glad you had those extra few days to readjust before jumping back into the swing of things.

#3 Plan To Get Excited About Your Upcoming Trip

One of the best ways to zip straight into Vacation Station is by watching travel videos or reading guides. You'll surely get into vacation mode by seeing others do all the fun things you're about to do too! 

Then you get to start planning out your itinerary. Compile a list of the things you want to see, where you want to stay, and what you want to do. 

Your plans can get as detailed or spontaneous as you like here — just allow yourself to dream a little before your departure. For an even better planning experience, put on a playlist of your favorite songs that get you in the vacation spirit! (MaybeDespacitoplayed on steel drums? No? Just us?)

#4 Indulge In A Few Minutes Of Meditation

Clear your head by taking a few minutes for yourself before heading out the door. 

5-10 minutes of meditation can really help you when you're transitioning from work to home, or home to the airport. Listen to a short guided meditation, or simply sit quietly and focus on the breath to let go of the stress from earlier in the week. 

With all the organizing, packing, and logistics, sometimes traveling itself is a major stressor. 

Give yourself plenty of time to get ready and get to your destination. Then, slow down and take a few deep breaths to center yourself and prepare for the journey — and fun! — ahead.

#5 Pack The Right Things

Pack well and pack light. You want this trip to feel like weightless bliss instead of an overpacked chore. What are the necessities, and what can you leave at home? 

Though, one thing you shouldn't forget to take is a great book or film to enjoy while you wait for your connection or flight. You can tuck into a long-time favorite or pick one set in your vacation locale! What better way to connect with your destination than by diving into a story set there?


#6 Take it CBDsy

Looking for the perfect way to add a bit of calm and relaxation you need to get into the vacation mood? CBD is loved by many for a reason — it’s a mighty stress reliever.(1)

You can take CBD in various ways, likeCBD tinctures,CBD gummies, orCBD softgels. And it's super easy to incorporate CBD into any of your pre-travel activities for an extra relaxation boost. 

Here's a top travel tip: Jet-lag is a major travel bummer. To avoid the sleepy mornings and help you adjust to your timezone, consider taking aCBD with melatonin supplement. Our unique combo of CBD + melatonin gives extra sleep support when you need it. You may find yourself sleeping more soundly than you did back home. 

Though, it goes without saying — check the CBD laws in your destination area. For your how-to guide on traveling with CBD check out our article on Tips, Tricks & Checklists For Traveling With CBD.

Vacation Mood: On

Yes, you're excited about your vacation (duh, who wouldn't be?). But the key to smooth sailing is to get into vacation mode well before you leave. 

One way is by getting your work tasks done ahead of time. You'll feel better about leaving the office when you know everything on your to-do list is crossed off. When it's finally the day of your departure, you'll be so glad to have all that work done and over with! 

Then, try setting aside a little time every day for your relaxation routine and start planning your itinerary. You’re sure to get into vacay mode by watching videos and guides about your destination. 

And if you need a little extra relaxation, aCBD gummy orCBD tincture is a great way to zen your mood and get yourself feeling ready for the adventures ahead. Try incorporating some CBD into your pre-departure activities for a surefire way to leave your stress behind, and dive straight into deep relaxation.

And get ready for the best vacation ever!



  1. Blessing, EM, et al. (2015). Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics: the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics.

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